
Just wanted to mention something you might check into with the baby that is
chomping at the breast.  I was working with a mother and baby from birth about
6 months ago that were having the same problem.  We worked on positioning,
checked into the allergy possibility, used the "tincture of time" but nothing
seemed to help.  I saw this mother at a support meeting when baby was 3 months
old she was still waiting and persevering but the clamping had become so severe
that she only nursed an average of 1 or 2 times a day because of the severe
pain.  The rest of the time she was pumping and feeding by bottle.  I mentioned
to her that I had been reading on LACTNET about cranio-sacral therapy helping
with babies like this and asked if she might be interested in trying.  She was
open to the idea, so I found a massage therapist in the area that was certified
in cranio-sacral therapy.  The therapist had never worked specifically with
babies with sucking problems before but said she would be glad to do the
message to see if it helped.  One treatment was an absolute miracle!  Mother
could nurse without pain for the first time in 3 months.  I saw this mother
again a few days ago when baby was 6 months she did a few more sessions just
for good measure but everything has been going great!  I searched LACTNET'S
data base for some of the post on this type of treatment for you.  They are
attached below.  I'm not sure if you have this type of option available to you
in Puerto Rico, but if you do it would certainly be worth a try.

Hope this helps,

Cheryl Leipold BS, IBCLC
Newnan, GA


email me privately if you would like a forwarded copy