Hello again,

Just wanted to clarify!!  When I posted the message about ABM and
breastmilk, and the possibility of a negating effect, I wasn't
endorsing the statement.  I still, and always will believe that
breastmilk is best, but in some circumstances, you all know what they
are, a combination of ABM and breastmilk is the choice.  I will never
tell a mother to stop nursing when she returns to work because the ABM
she is giving is negating the effects of her breast milk (nor for
nursing adopted babies, etc.).  I would like the information because I
did hear the statement "ABM negates the protective properties of
breastmilk" at a conference, but I have misplaced my notes.  A
reputable person said this, and gave references to research to back it
up. (I don't even remember who the person was).  I am a "need to know"
person.  I need the facts.  If someone has the references to this
research, I would love to read it for myself to judge its credibility
and the feasibility of its findings.  If you know, please fill me in.
Incidentally, I do know that Lactoferrin in baby's digestive system is
altered by ABM.

Sharon A. Rapoza, RN, BSN, IBCLC
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