
Just a bit of info that may help figure out what to do about LeeAnn's letdowns.
When I was first getting involved with LLL the Leader of the group would always
talk about how emotions could influence breastfeeding using her mother and mil
as examples.  Her mother had wanted to breastfeed (or was it the mil) but her
husband wouldn't let her, she got the dry-up shots immediately after birth (as
was the norm then) but for months whenever she heard a baby cry her shirt would
be soaked with milk.  Her mil (or mother - can't remember which anymore) had no
intention of ever breastfeeding.  She never had her milk come in after the
birth, in fact she states that she never had a drop at anytime after the birth.
So her letdown after all of this time could be emotional - part of her grieving.

Just MHO.

Felicia Henry
Bradley Instructor
La Leche League Leader
Oxnard, CA