During my breastfeeding years (8 continuous/2kids), I did experience
sexual arousal several times.  It was so long ago that I can't remember
the context in which it happened (time of monthly cycle, time since last
sex with husband, etc) so I don't know if it was just a random occurance
or related somehow to something else in my life.  Considering how many
times I nursed my children in that span of time compared to how many
times this happened ( maybe 2 or 3), I would catagorize it as unusual,
but not abnormal (I was never sexually abused).  By the way, I sometimes
find breast stimulation during sex to be highly arousing while at other
times I find it to feel almost revolting.  Sexual arousal is a
combination of mind and body, although sometimes it can be almost
completely under the control of one or the other. Human sexuality has
evolved in many ways differently from that of other mammals due to our
"superior brains" which gives us a great capacity for imagination and
fantasy during sex, rather than just hormonal and physical interaction.
Lets not let moms feel dirty or guilty about a normal, albeit infrequent,
aspect of nursing.  It is not the same as being groped by a stranger!
I'm not sure about whether or not this should be mentioned to
prospective nursing mothers.  In bf classes, I do talk about lactation
being a part of the woman's normal sexual cycle and we do also mention
the possibility of having a let-down during orgasm (which usually brings
laughs from both moms and dads). I am in the process of finishing up a
written manual for this class (for the parents) and have contemplated
before whether or not to include a brief mention of this.  I am also of
the school that it is always better to know than not to know, but in
these times, you never can tell what will be made of any remark, factual
or otherwise.
