Sorry if I've forgotten if I introduced, I'm Kathy in VA, LLLL for going on 9
years.  I remember a terrific Breastfeeding Education Workshop in Phoenix and
the morning topic was physiology.  It has always stuck in my brain that the
breast develops the "stuff" to lactate a little at a time.  I have all along
thought with each menstrual period, more aveoli develop........and so (here's
the question) if a 15 yr old (and I would take into consideration girls
"seem" to be getting younger for onset) has had, for instance, 10 periods,
she would have more chances of BF successfully than a 13 year old who has had
6 periods?         .  And, yes, I wholeheartedly agree with the idea that
many teen mothers are too distracted to focus on mothering and that is what
causes "failure".  Any thoughts?
Kathy, who had first son at 19 with no supply problems and no supplements.