Pam wrote
>>Do any others of you get weird looks or made to feel like a pervert  when
you tell them what you do?<<
That same day I got an email about an X-rated web site. Looks like someone
made the wrong connection again.
I have also gotten wierdos call about what can be done with breastpumps
(Don't ask, just think about it a while), guys that want me to show them how
to breastfeed etc... I stopped having my phone number listed in the telephone
book as an LC because my kids were picking up some of these calls.
Part of our job is to educatute what breasts are really for other uses are
Lesley Robinson wrote >>Breastfeeding is part of our sexuality << I would
agree but with a slight word shift: *Breastfeeding (nuturing) is the end
result of our sexuality*
 >>  What wonderful mechanisms our bodies have in providing the chemicals
that make this all work so well.<<
 I find that many dads come out of the breastfeeding class once more amazed
at the female power of sustaining life and their job (dad's) to help sustain
mom's life.

Keep going-- we're battling Playboy, Penthouse and a few other magazines that
people definitely don't read for the articles ;-(