We have heard of LACTNET lunch, then LACT shop- now there is LACTVADE. You
are sitting at home, there is a knock at the door AND it is a LACTVADER-
coming to see if you are on the net!
This past weekend Kay Hoover and I visited Jane Bradshaw- a NET invasion.
Not as good as when the Publisher's Clearinghouse knocks on your door and
gives you a few millions dollars but close.
LACTVADE is fun and nice, BUT it is done with informed consent - you don't
just invade. May of you would call it a visit. Well, it is a visit but with
a LACTNET touch because the main topic of conversation is BFing, sometimes
you sleep a few hours.

Watch out- you may be next!!!!!

Get ready for out next big project- cyberbaby birth of Jay Simpson's in a
few months- countdown begins after Christmas. I am, however, thinking of
arranging a charter flight to Sacramento so at least 50 of us can be in her
living room coaching her during the birth. I have begged Jay to put the
computer nearby so she can relay info to us during the contractions.