Hello Netters,

I attended the Chicago BF Task Force this AM.  There is some info I want to
share with you all.  "Cost Effectiveness of BF.  A Colorado study of the cost
effectiveness of BF has found there are substantial economic benefits to BF
an infant enrolled in WIC.  The study conducted during 1994 and 1995 examined
both WIC and Medicaid expenditures for both BF and infant formula-fed infants
enrolled in WIC during the first six months of life and concluded that both
WIC and Medicaid expenditures are lower for BF infants.  Study findings were
recently released in the report, The Economic Benefit of BF an Infant
Enrolled in the WIC Program."  "WIC program expenditures per infant are
approximately $10.00 per month less for BF infant-mother pairs than for
formula-fed infant-mother pairs when the infant formula monufacturer's rebate
is taken into consideration.  In Colorado, where the study was conducted,
17.5% of WIC infants are BF for the first six months.  This yields total
monthly savings of $26,00.00.  The authors estimate that if the percentage of
women BF their infants for the first five to six months increases to 50%, a
US Department of Health and Health Objective for the Year 2000, monthly
savings could reach $9.3 million nationwide.  Medicaid expenditures are also
lower for BF infants.  The study found that total Medicaid costs were #111.63
lower per BF infant during the first six months of life.  Medicaid pharmacy
reimbursements, a subcategory of Medicaid expenditures were significantly
lower for BF infants.  Pharmacy reimbursements were $29.82 lower for males
and $12.16 lower for females who were BF as compared to formula-fed infants."
 etc. etc.  The study was funded by the ADA and the Colorado BF Task Force
with in-kind support from the Colorado Department of Public Health and
Environment WIC Program and the Colorado State Medicaid Program.  The
pricipal investigator was Debbie Montgomery of the Colorado State WIC staff.
 Montgomery can be reached at 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South, Denver, CO
 80222-1530, (303) 692-2400.  Have a good weekend everyone.  From Pat that
has her neck and shoulders all packed in cabbage and ice packs in hope that
the cervical arthritis pain will be relieved soon.  More usages for cabbage.

Pat Bull, RN, IBCLC
The Breastfeeding Connection/Medela
Naperville, IL -getting colder and colder