In a message dated 96-11-07 22:21:42 EST, you write:

>She wants to know "What
>is the worse thing that can happen if I use the twice frozen milk?"  We
>could find nothing on this, but offered to check the net for her.  Does
>anybody have info on this?
Sorry, there is no info or references on this.  I can only contribute info
from my clinical experience.  I have had several phone calls on this.  I had
to explain that the recommendations are to not refreeze breast milk.  We
speculate that more immunological properties are destroyed and I am sure some
of the vitamins also.  Is it still superior to formula??? Probably.  I have
had a few mothers feed their babies refrozen human milk with no side effects.
 I can not recommend it, but just give you IMHO.

Pat Bull, RN, IBCLC
The Breastfeeding Connection/Medela
Naperville, IL