Hi All,
I know we have talked about this a million times, but, stupid me, since I
didn't need the info before, I didn't save it.  Now I have a request from a
local CLE, who is trying to get her hosp to support BF in a big way (they do
nothing now).  She gave the Dr in charge a copy of the Kaiser study, but he
said it was too old.  (I thought it was fairly recent?)  He wants a current
Cost Savings Analysis of the infection/disease prevention benefits of BF.
 Also, she heard that there is a BF advocacy group that specializes in
getting this type of info and other info re: the importance of BF out to Drs
to help them support BF.  Ok, I know I should know about this one, but I
don't any help with this?

Who would love to see a major health care provider go BF friendly!