Hi all
I'm so behind with digests again - just caught up today.
I have a question for the herbally minded - I have been helping a
mother with recurrent mastitis probably due to oversupply. She is 12
weeks postpartum, feeds one side per feed every 3-4 hours and 4-5
hours overnight, always leaking, lumpy. Has tried all the 'standard'
treatment with little improvement. She has had mastitis 5 times so
far. She feels the supply is gradually improving, so I doubt that
pituitary is a problem.
I have suggested the use of cabbage (not to eat!!), and sage tea to
reduce supply a little, but would like to know how to make the sage
tea. Do you use fresh or dried herb, how 'strong' to make it etc.
Looking forward to some enlightenment!

Fiona Coombes MBBS IBCLC               [log in to unmask]
Nursing Mothers' Association of Australia Breastfeeding Counsellor
Lactation Consultant, Family Physician
Perth Western Australia