We have a client who, at 6 days postpartum, came down with a severe case of
bilateral beta-strep mastitis and was hospitalized for 4 days on IV
antibiotics.  The baby was cultured and has not been treated.  We are
extremely concerned about the baby.  There's some question at this point
about whether the baby tested positive or negative.  The mother was first
told that the baby's culture was positive and today she was told that he was
negative.  Lawrence's book (p. 266) recommends simultaneous treatment of the
baby in cases of staph or strep mastitis.  Since her hospitalization, the
mother has been pumping and giving her baby her milk via bottles.  When they
thought the baby was positive, the pediatrician didn't want the baby put to
the breast in case he would reinfect the mother.  Now that they think the
baby is negative, the doctor is not sure about the safety of the baby feeding
at the breast!!  The mother was also told that the baby could become sick
anytime in the next 3 months and that he would be treated aggressively if
that should happen.  This mother is fearful about the mastitis recurring but
would like to be able to breastfeed.

We've communicated with Dr. Gartner from the start and he recommended
simultaneous treatment of the baby and breastfeeding (from the breast).  We
need some information for this client so she can make an informed decision.
 The sooner, the better -- we'd like to see this nursing couple together