Two cases: one colleague (who thinks promoting bf makes women feel
guilty) tried very hard to bf her daughter now 21 years old, and never
succeeded to satisfy the baby and have a good weight gain. Her mother,
now 83, and her grand-mother had similar problems, and had to resort to
wet-nurses and substitute milk in a period and culture where
breastfeednig was the norm.
Case # 2: a client just had baby # 3. Milk never came in for both
previous children, and story seems to repeat itself. We will refer her to
a private LC after verifying her level of motivation, as she will
probably need more support than we can give within the restraints of
public system.

So, opinions ? suggestions ?

Louise Denhez, M.D., M.P.H
Chargee d'enseignement clinique
Departement de medecine sociale et preventive