
     I have a copy of a little booklet tittled "the Medical Hazards of the
Birth Control Pill"  edited bu Herbert Ratner, MD.  It is a reprint of  Child
and Family, Volume 7, 1968.   It contains a series of editorial articles and
articles on the above topic along with short abstracts of many published
articles and studies.  Very informative and well referenced.

     You may order a copy (about $3.00 US) from The Couple-to-Couple League
International.  Phone: 1-(513)-471-2000,  FAX: 1-(513)-557-2449.  They have a
web site at http://www.missionnet.com/~mission/cathlc/ccl/

     If you would like more recent materials, contact them with your request,
they'll be delighted to send you some more.

     Hope it helps.

     Deya Stavinoha, LLL Leader, CBE
     Natural Family Planning Instructor (Couple-to-Couple League)
     Longview, TX