>>This was cited with the following comment....
"... No independent protective effect was identified from breastfeeding when
we controlled forother significant factors.  ...The lack of any 'dose
response' effect from breast feeding suggests that this is acting as a marker
of the lifestyle of the others who breast feed rather than showing a biologic
effect initself." Fleming et al<<

>>Therefore, it looks like there is no physiological protective effect from
breastfeeding.  As a pediatrician, I recommend breast feeding for any infant
when possible, because of general
health benefits.  However, I do not think we can honestly state that
prevention of SIDS is linked to breast feeding.<<

I like Dr. Sear's analysis of the information:

*While bfg may not be directly protective, some studies have shown that SIDS
often occurs two or three weeks *after* the onset of a cold or similar
infection. If breastfeeding minimizes these illnesses, it is also possibly
lowering the risk of SIDS;

*Breastfed babies on the average wake more often to eat, including at night
times, because human milk is more easily digested.  If the theory that long
sleep periods put babies at higher risk for SIDS is true, then breastfeeding
provides a more beneficial environment.

*Babies can be breastfed in bed with parents. If co-sleeping lowers the risks
of SIDS, then breastfeeding again provides a more beneficial environment for

Personally, I find the above reasoning very compelling evidence, if not

-Lisa Marasco, BA, LLLL, IBCLC