No, there are no new growht charts yet. But there is data that demonstrate
that current growth charts are inappropriate. You might want to show your
pedi the following. It looks very specifically at healthy children from
Western countries :

Dewey, K.G. Growth of breast-fed infants deviates from current reference
data: a pooled analysis of US Canadian, and European data sets, Pediatrics,
September 1995; 96(3):495-503

It should be noted that the current growth charts we now use are known to be
inadequate-- the data on children under two is from an extremely small and
unrepresentative sample of children (about 1000 children between the ages of
12 and 23 months even fewer than that for the babies under a year); the data
was not collected in a way that would be considered statistically sound, in
fact it was not collected for this purpose, but was used because it was the
only convenient data at hand when growth charts were called for; the infants
were primarily formula fed, but data of feeding practices were not
consistently collected and in fact their growth probably does not even
reflect data for our current bottle feeding infants, since formula and
feeding practices are quite different today than they were when this data was

Christina Smillie, MD, FAAP, IBCLC