In a message dated 96-09-25 02:04:07 EDT, wendy inquired about therapists who
work with oral aversion:

>I read with great interest your recent post about oral
defensivity/aversion in neonates.  You mentioned 3 or 4 authors (I
think) who have written papers? (or authored texts?) on the subject.>>

Marjorie Meyer Palmer has written about and goes around the country teaching
about desensitization of the orally aversive baby/child. I would suggest you
search the OT/PT and Speech Pathology literature for more on this subject.
There is a therapist couple who has done alot of work on this subject and I
can't remember their names off the top of my head. If I run across their
names I will post them. Ah...I just remembered...Wilbarger is their last name
and they have a technique that desensitizes touch aversive people. I don't
know much about the technique..maybe someone else out there in Lactnet land
will know more.

Alison H.