I appreciated Kathleen Auerbach's post about individualizing the suggestions
we offer when baby is not sucking well <AFTER we have actually observed
mother's and baby's efforts.>. This is why after twelve years a LLL Leader I
find myself making more home visits each year than I did the year before.
 There are situations when I do feel confident about advice I give out over
the phone, but others whre I feel a visit is essential.  If I, as a
volunteer, am unable to see mom and baby due to other demands on my time I
give them the information about both hospital-based and private practice LCs
in our community and emphasize to the mom how important it is that someone
knowledgeable observe her breastfeeding.  Most of these moms are so grateful
for the visit they become regular members of my LLL group and enjoy sharing
with newer moms the joys of breastfeeding so I feel well rewarded for my
Julia Griffith, La Leche League in Toledo, OH