Time again to talk to 1000 plus of my friends and support system. This has
been a horrible week. A young boy age 15 who my daughter knew was allegedly
murdered by his 14 yr old *best friend* early this week. Now one of my
daughter's friends was raped by 5 students at the high school. This was the
3rd or 4th rape since the school year began Sept 4th!!!!  No charges have
been filed in the second case and the alleged rapists are still at school.
The boy who shot his friend was charged with murder.
 My daughter is in a deep depression coupled with rage. I, on the other hand,
am scared to death to send her to school.
I want to turn her rage into something constructive. I want to keep her safe.
I don't know what to do or what to say except that how sorry I am that such
things have crept into her young life.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated--please email me privately.
Marie DAvis
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