Anyone seen this?

We are currently looking for people willing to review some upcoming Titles
our Corel Medical Series. Although we are interested in the functionality of
titles, we are primarily looking for people to focus on or provide a
technical review
of the content.
The Breastfeeding is title designed to give mothers and families who are
breastfeeding or considering breastfeeding, healthcare professionals,
consultants and the public introductory knowledge and skills about the art
science of breastfeeding. It is also intended to give a basic understanding
of the
history of breastfeeding and the issues related to the practice of
Animated, anatomical illustrations are used to explain the lactation process,
clips are used to illustrate proper and improper techniques and case studies
on the work of lactation consultants present a "real life" perspective of the
breastfeeding experience. Also included on the CD is a database of useful
aimed at aiding the breastfeeding parent as well as the lactation consultant
documenting vital facts.
An ideal candidate for this would be someone with first-hand experience.
Child Well Being
The Child Well Being title brings vital health information to children and to
who are caring for children in their homes. This title will be useful not
only to
children and their caregivers, but also to early childhood education
instructors and
students, medical officers of health and their staff, paediatricians and
Fun, animated sequences that are designed to entertain and educate children
are a
highlight of this CD. As well, the CD includes a variety of games that
provide a
review and highlight the main lessons provided by the material. Parents and
caregivers will find the information both comprehensive and well organized.