At my son's soccer game today I saw a mother that I helped last
year.  Her baby was born in February 1995.  She was extremely premature and
had Downs Syndrome.  The mother had to pump for quite ahile before the baby
was able to nurse.  The mother was very determined and dedicated.  This was
her fourth baby.
        She said the baby now 19 months old is STILL NURSING!!.  She just
had heart surgery 3 weeks ago to repair the two holes in her heart and is
doing great.
        It was such a thrill to look into the sweet face of that child and
recall all the hard times and long phone calls with this mother but also to
see the joy she feels due to the breastfeeding relationship.

        We have to tuck these special moments in our hearts for the days
when nothing seems to go right.

          Thanks for letting me share.
Rose Marie Straeter, IBCLC
B.A.B.Y. - Breastfeeding Assistance for Baby & You
1214 Southfield Road
Evansville, IN  47715