She refuses to try Reglen, because someone told
>her there was a slight risk of irreparable teret syndrome (Is this true?
 What are the side effects of Reglen, anyway?).

  Jay, I found A LOT of posts on Reglan when I was interested it learning
about it earlier in the summer.  My own experience with it was with a niece
who became severely depressed ( a high risk, especially longer than 3 weeks'
use) and she was hospitalized in psyc. hosp for three weeks, baby weaned, of

I have also heard about t. syndrome as well as parkinson-like oral effects.
One post relayed that the boost in milk receeds when the drug is
discontinued.  Personally, I feel that the drug's side effects outweigh the
possible benefit to milk supply.  If you have access to the Archives or to
DB-TEST Search system you can get "miles" of info on Reglan.

I like your suggestions on glandular and hormonal follow-up.  I hope others
will have further suggestions.

Good luck on your move.

Pat Gima