Hi All,
Just need to talk to a couple of our esteemed Lactnetters, and don't have
their e-mail addresses.  Sorry to take up your time with this!

I need to talk to Jan Barger, and Diane Weissinger (did I spell that right?).

Packing is going well, thanks to my hubby.  My uterus has decided to be
cranky and irritable (oh joy :/  )  and if I do anything halfway strenuous I
end up with contractions left and right.  What a pain, huh?  Here I am in the
middle of a move, and I can't do anything, Midwives orders.  Now, tell me,
how can I get anything done, if I can't do anything??  I was also looking
forward to painting the new place (the master bedroom has pepto bismol pink
walls, and the bathroom has this blue that makes you wish you had some pepto
bismol!  Maybe you could lick the master bedroom walls....:D)  Unfortunately,
now I can't do that either!  ARRGGHH!!  And here I sit, with time on my
hands, unable to read Lactnet (cause I'll get so hooked again I won't be able
to do any light packing at all!), going through withdrawl, thinking about all
of you, and watching my hubby do 90% of the packing.  I'll have to do
something really special for him when this is all over!
Thanks all!
Will let you know how the unpacking goes (ha ha!)  Oh, and my In-Laws have
hired professional movers to do the moving for us!  That'll make sure I keep
out of trouble!  But I will be telling them where to put everything!  I just
love telling people what to do!  I'll have some fun with this yet!
Take it easy!
Miss you all terribly!

Jay Simpson, Moving Lady

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