        Sorry, All I have is a snail address for Sandra Lang:  11 St.
Leonard's Avenue, Exeter, Devon, EX204 DL UK.
        Hopefully you can either find an email address(and I'd love to
have it if you do!) or stall your Chief until you can get the info he
        Karen Zeretzke

On Wed, 11 Sep 1996 20:15:48 -0500 DANI HUDSPETH <[log in to unmask]>
>Thank you for your responses re: cup feeds. Next question - does any
>one =
>know how I can contact Sandra Lang - Does she have E-mail? I need this
>info pdq - the Chief wants to review my info on Friday.  Thanks so
>Dani Hudspeth RN IBCLC
>[log in to unmask]