Lisa said,

<< And, I would like to add an unsubstantiated
 anecdote that I picked up through LLL several years ago: the suggestion that
 mothers who are at the tail end of lactation are *not* in a better position
 to relactate. I can't remember the specific source and would need to dig
 into my papers, but I remember this proposed fact clearly because a
 was at the time nursing a toddler and considering adoption and relactation
 a full supply.  >>

Adding my .02, when my second baby was just 2 and had tapered off with her
nursing by quite a bit, we began the process to become foster parents of an
infant.  This was 16 years ago, not much info (especially for a radical idea
like nursing a foster child!).  Dr. Fleiss told me that it's harder to bring
in milk while nursing a toddler than it is post-weaning.  Further, he gave me
the little written info on induced lactation which, at that time, said that
as well.

We ended up getting a toddler whom we had for 2 years, so I can't tell you
what would have happened.  (He did ask to nurse once and then giggled
hysterically when he approached the breast.  Never asked again!)
