Dear Ruthy,

I am not a New Testament "scholar" but read the Bible on a daily basis...

<< The
 elder (whose wife I was talking to today) said he'd show me passages that
 infants didn't just drink breastmilk, like it was scriptural to feed other
 things or unscriptural to "JUST Breastfeed"  >>

I would LOVE to see the references that infants didn't just drink

In our church, (evangelical, non-denominational) probably 95% of the moms
initiate bf, but how long they keep it up is another issue.  There is some
closet Ezzoing going on, despite the attempts of Judy Smith (another LC) and
myself to keep it out, and the church ABSOLUTELY will not sponsor that

So I can't speak for Christians in general, but I suspect that most of the
evangelical churches are similar in approach.

Jan Barger, from Wheaton, IL -- also known in some circles as the "Protestant
Vatican", the "Evangelical Mecca" or the "New Jerusalem."