I am very behind in reading digests- in skimming them today I read one
post by Jan Barger which mentions a mom who received Pit. and milk
didn't come in till day 4 (Jan said the mom was "pitted"- I assume this
means Pitocin!!)

Is there a connection between a mom receiving Pitocin and the mature
milk coming in "later" rather than "earlier"?

I am working with a mom who had her baby boy on aftnoon. of Aug. 29.
Her milk finally came in  in the middle of the night on Sept. 5.
(there is a lot more to this story,but for now I am just curious about
the Pit. connection). She had Pitocin to get her labor going after her
water broke (naturally - 10 days after due date) and then nothing
happened- no dilation. ended up with epidural too, plus forceps. (mom
not too happy about this stuff, but despite all of that yucky stuff,
this birth is still a triumph for her!).
Anyway for now I am just interested in hearing about this Pit. connection.
She was getting anxious about when the milk was going to come in.

TIA, Ellen Vegh, LLLL, Pittsburgh, PA