Pat Gilliatt:

The information about this study which Mary Johnson provided was
correct, but not complete. I'd like to clarify.

The study involving LA Power was published in two parts. The first
     "The Impact of Two Corporate Lactation Programs on the Incidence
     and Duration of Breast-Feeding by Employed Mothers" Rona Cohen
     and Marsha B. Mrtek, American Journal of Health Promotion,
     Vol. 8 No.6, July/August, 1994,pp. 436-441.
is an integral part of this study.

The second paper:
     "Comparison of Maternal Absenteeism and Infant Illness Rates
     Among Breast-Feeding and Formula-feeding Women in Two
     Corporations" Rona Cohen, Marsha B. Mrtek, Robert G. Mrtek,
     American Journal of Health Promotion Vol. 10 No.2,
     November/December, 1995, pp. 148-153.
deals with the infant health and financial ramifications of the program
which is described in detail in the first paper, but necessarily
abbreviated greatly in the second.

Questions can be addressed to me or Rona Cohen ([log in to unmask]).
I have run out of reprints of the first paper and am unsure how many
Rona has left. Both of us have reprints of the second paper on hand.

I'm taking a break for the next 4 days, and will be going no-mail as
soon as I sign off today. Will be back Wed., Sept. 11. (It may take a
few days to catch up electronically.)

It's always nice to know someone is interested in your work! ;-)

Marsha B. Mrtek, Ph.D.
Medela Research
901 S. Plymouth Ct. #706
Chicago, IL 60605-2046
Phone/Fax: (800)520-3493
e-mail: [log in to unmask]