I like the idea of Seattle area Lactnetters getting together, perhaps could
even persuade you to join the local coalition. Anyway, anyone interested can
e-mail me privately.

Also, we are forming a study group for those interested in taking the IBCLC
exam this coming July.

How about using ABM for housing construction, I bet it would make great
foundation, as it sits in most babies gutts like cement.

I'm sorry Patricia, I'm allergic to cow's milk products, so I know what it's
like, it's just that ABM is complete garbage and I'll never feel differently.
I saw one to many babies malnourished while living in Peru to ever have
anything but disgust for the stuff. I'd never eat a pancake made from the
stuff...YUK!!!! IMOHO

Nina J. Lanphear CLE,LSP
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