In response to the question about WIC breastfeeding classes?
" do you impress upon them the importance of the decision to

Consider inviting the members of the group or class to share why they
are planning to breastfeed, or what they know about the benefits of
breastfeeding.  You can then add to the list, but may not need to.

Also, consider that the class is one component of breastfeeding
promotion.  We have found the 3 step counseling model developed by
Best Start to work well for initial discussion of breastfeeding  This
most often occurs at the certification visit (ie before any follow-up
education or classes.).  (Both the Best Start research and our own
needs assessment in Minnesota identified women who knew the benefits
of breastfeeding, but had other issues that were strong enough to keep
them from breastfeeding.)  The three step model involves 1)
identifying the woman's knowledge about/issues with breastfeeding, 2)
acknowledging and validating her concerns, and 3) educating (targeted
education which addresses any concerns she has and starts with what
she knows).  The question "What do you know about breastfeeding?" is a
good way to start the discussion.  (If you ask about feeding intent
and get a response that they intend to bottle-feed, it can be more
difficult to go back and identify/address issues and concerns, and
discuss breastfeeding.)