
  Sorry this note isn't providing the information you requested. Instead, I
would ask that you please send me any info you receive. I conceived my last
baby with the use of Clomid after 4 years of secondary infertility. Said,
delightful baby is now 2 and we are trying again. Despite 18 months of regular
periods, LH surge detection on some cycles and "normal" looking temp charts my
progesterone was only 1.5, showing it is unlikely that I ovulate, at least
some of the time. The suggestion is to use Clomid. I was told I MUST wean if I
use the drug and I have read this many times on LACTNET. I certainly don't
want to wean, especially when t here is no guarantee that I will ever
conceive, even if I do.

I'd appreciate anything you come up with,

   Valeri Webber