Hi Heidi,

Forgive me if you have thought of this but here goes.....How about the
Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI)?  Introduction of the
initiative in your institution may at least educate the powers that be
regarding the WHO Code.  The BFHI provides an extensive bibliography to
support each of the "Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding".  That could
be your first step showing evidence that anything provided by the formula
companies hinders successful BF (regardless of whether the literature
contains good info or not).

It just so happens that is where I started at our local hospital.  Gift
packs were the first to go.  We followed BF rate stats; and sure enough
BF rates at D/C & 2 wks increased.  Which fueled the permission to write
our own literature for D/C (and they even asked me to re-write the
formula feeding protocols...they didn't know what they were getting
into).  The next step was written BF standards of care.  That's where I
hooked them!  Now I could hold staff members accountable for their
actions.  Don't get me wrong.  This was a slow process.  It took us
about 5 years to get where we are now........in line with all "Ten

Hope it helps,  Good Luck,

Trina Ammar, RNC, IBCLC
Home of the Monterey Bay Aquarium where no matter what anyone says baby
whales really do breastfeed, and where
97% of baby humans leave the hospital breastfeeding!