No one has mentioned this so I thought I'd jump up on the soap box for a
First: Why--does Medela keep changing their kits? I'm sure some engineer has
a good reason (probably to keep his/her job), but honestly if it ain't broke
don't fix it!
Secondly--Why would a company who appears to make the majority of its capital
from pump rentals--sell a pump for $20 more than a 5 month rental?? Is that
flawed logic or just plain crazy? I have a total of 22 pumps-- from both
companies-- and 18 are sitting here. I'm a flat rate station and the overhead
is killing me!!  Mom's a buying the PnS pump through baby stores and other
rental  stations. By the way 2 of my rentals are from gals who bought a PnS
and claim it doesn't work.
Sorry but I had to get this off my chest-
Climbing down---next
Marie Davis