Dear Jeanne,

I, too, have had good luck with skin-to-skin napping (every hear of Penny
Simkins' 24 hour Cure?) and bathing.

The bathing with mom appears to let the infant reorganize.  I believe the
buoyancy of the water brings back the feeling of the womb & comfort.  I
learned the bathing technique purely by accident about 5 years ago.  A
mom and baby I had worked with for about 7 weeks called VERY excited to
say that she was just taking a bath with her baby and he found her
breast and suckled away.  This baby had never latched successful for any
period longer than 1-2 minutes.  (Mother had resigned to pumping and
bottle feeding her milk.)  She was worried that she would have to get in
the tub every feeding!  Now the struggle was weaning mom from giving a
bottle of her milk after every BF.

Within three weeks I had the same situation with a mom and a 3 month old
who never took the breast.  From there on  I started suggesting the bath
routine more often with screaming frustrated babies and in most cases it
works like charm.  It also calms mom.  I thought this was just a
technique I happened upon.  Until I attended the ILCA Conference in Scottsdale 1995.  When Heather Harris presented her current study "Co-bathing
for breastfeeding attachment difficulties".  My co-worker and I looked at
each other mouths agape.  We were speechless! (but not for long.....we
were telling anyone who would listen).

Heather has a wonderful video "Mandy and Matt"; Heather Harris RN., CM,

               80 Wilsons Rd

               Doncaster, Vic  3108 Australia
See ya,

Trina  Ammar, RNC, IBCLC
Monterey, CA  (where the sun has finally broken the fog record of 53