Jane Bradshaw gave such good advice on handling E--o and other parenting
regimes from Fundamentalist viewpoints. Excellent!!

Now all we need is a viewpoint/rationale with which non-Christian LLL and LCs
can respond. Along the lines Jane presented, which included information about
the infant's stomach size, I personally like the concept of taking God's
design of our human bodies as testament for what nature/God wanted. If god
wanted moms to nurse their infants only on a schedule, why are our breasts
responsive to baby's needs 24 hours a day? Even if we put our babies on
"schedules" and these schedules are allowed to become set, putting the baby
to the breast at other times will still bring on letdown/milk production. Why
would God/nature devise a system so responsive to the child's needs if what
was intended was that the mother limit feedings to certain times of the day?

Anyone else had a good approach for a non-christian to use?

Margaret Ann
Margaret Ann Paxton
"If you don't know your options, you don't have any."