Hey Ya'll,

        This is my second request for information.  I placed my first on
August 14th, and lost all of my lactnet digests on disk for the last week
and a half. If you responded before, please write to me again privately at
the following address: [log in to unmask]  If you haven't responded
yet, here is one more opportunity to do so!:)

        The hospital I'm working for is interested in changing some brfdg
policies in the NICU. (YEAH!) The nurse practitioners here would like to
see some samples of policies/standards for hspitals with demographic
populations similar to ours.  So if you have access to these items for a
hospital with a large number of NICU babies with indigent, migrant
families, and families from outlying areas that have difficulty with
frequent visitation, i would love to hear from you!  Also, if you have any
helpful hints for supporting brfdg with these families I would appreciate
any advice.  Our NNPs view these hurdles as incompatible with brfdg, and I
would love some methods of dealing with this in a more positivie manner.
I can be reached at the following e-mail address: [log in to unmask] or
by fax at (910) 343-7390.

Thanks in advance,

Dottie Horton, RN, IBCLC ([log in to unmask])
New Hanover Regional Medical Center
Wilmington, NC