Here is a case that has so much going on things just keep getting worse HELP!

During labor Mom had a fever and tested positve for Strep B. She was treated
with antibiotics and her baby was treated after delivery with IV antibiotics
too.Called me on day six because latch-on and nursing was painful. Also baby
made a clicking noise while nursing. Infant has the largest mouth I've ever
seen on a baby. Birth weight 8.07  and on day 5 weighed 8.06 but had  one or
two bottles in hospital.We worked on positioning and latch-on and basic suck
training. Next, on day 17 postpartum called me with a plugged duct  on rt.
breast baby gained another 8oz. Talked about moist warm heat and massage and
rest. Day 31 outer half of left breast hard and painful and red she called
 OB also said rt. breast had lumps too  and still painful to nurse . Stopped
doing suck training (no time ). Another visit on day 35 baby up to 10.01lbs.
Left breast still had some lumps in upper outer quardrant latched baby on
left and no clicking and nursing comfortable.  Rt. breast painful during
latch and during nursing, baby does suck, suck click, suck, suck, click. We
tried holding cheeks in and counter pressure on bottom of chin but still
clicked. Mom also has breast pain in between feeds. She thinks she might also
have a vaginal yeast infection. Baby has a fussy period  around 7pm every
night. Did I mention that this Mom has her own business (in her house) that
seems to be the source of stress AND that she is moving into a new house in 4
days! Nipples have never been cracked or bleeding just painful. Baby has a
red bottom despite using cream for a week now. Left her recommending she call
OB and PED to try antifungal med. Day 37 Mom called me ready to throw in the
towel she is taking antibiotics for mastitis and now antifungal. Baby fussy
doesn't seem to empty breasts. Pumping some but having hard time "uncaking"
breast too. Gave her info from Ruth Lawerence about Lecithin and we had a
very long talk about her lifestyle and about how she was taking care of
herself  she vowed to take the day and take care of herself better. Agreed to
not make any rash decisions about weaning yet but she has given him one or
two bottles of supplement in last day or so. As an interim plan she thought
she could try feeding from the left exclusively (she is considering  just
weaning the right side too) and pumping the other side I wanted to show her
finger or cup feeding to get the pumped milk into the baby but right now she
felt bottle feeding was what she wanted to do after Bf on left side. She felt
he went back and forth between the two OK.  I have thought about oversupply
and maybe feeding from the one side will help; but with all that is going on
in this woman's life plus the fact that she doesn't always comply with my
recommendations ( got lazy about suck training) is there some other course of
action or any thought from anyone out there? Thanks for listening...
Robin B. Frees BA, IBCLC  Malvern, PA