Hi All,
I, too, am not real pleased with our country's desire to have a lawsuit for
anythng and everything.  However, when it comes to BF mismanagement, I think
there should be and should have been many lawsuits already.
My reasoning is this:
1) Someone (Dr, hosp, healthcare prov.) has not given proper info, care, etc
to the BF mom, therefore resulting in failure of BF
2)  When BF fails due to a healthcare providers negligence, or bad info,
there are more than 2 injured parties

The injured parties start out with:
the mom (feeling guilty, angry and betrayed that she wasn't given the proper
attention, help, info)
the baby (now forced, without his/her consent, to be on ABM, that will cause
him/her to be ill more often and have lifelong health problems that may have
been avoided completely had BF not failed)
the parents of the baby (who are now forced to buy all the needed gadgets
that are required with ABM feeding, and who are now faced with the extra Dr.
bills due to a baby who is ill more often because of the ABM)
the healthcare system (which is now forced to pay the millions of $$ extra to
care for the babies who are now forced to be fed ABM)

Need I go on?
THere are so many more victims when one mom has BF fail because of bad info,
or negligence from the healthcare prov.  Also, we have to look at the people
around the mom who will not be exposed to BF as the norm, and will be more
likely to ABM feed their baby because "so and so ABM fed their baby because
she "couldn't" BF" .

How much longer are we to allow this to continue?  Moms and Dads must get mad
enough when BF fails as a result of healthcare prov mismanagement to sue for
damages, and as we know, there are a lot of damages, and the main victim
injured is the baby.  I think that in this type of case, Lawsuits, and BIG
ones, are justified and reasonable.  We aren't talking about something as
dumb (IMHO) as someone putting sugar in their coffee (or what ever she was
doing with it) between her legs, spills some, burn herself, and sues the
company for making hot coffee.  :/  We are talking about REAL damages caused
by someone ELSE"S mistake or negligence, or simple lack of caring, or even
bad training.
"Must give the premie a bottle first to make sure they can suck"  "Must stop
BF and give a bottle of ABM to get rid of Jaundice" Must start bottles of
supplement now because your baby is only gaining an oz a day"  "must give ABM
because your baby is allergic to your milk"  "Must get your rest mom,  have
Dad give the baby a bottle of ABM at night so you can sleep"  "Don't feed
your baby every 2 hrs!  You're over feeding him.  Feed only every 3-4 hrs,
and definitely NOT at night"  "Follow the Ezzo plan.  It's great!"

When this type of garbage stops, and BF never fails, or ABM is used only when
there is a medical reason (lack of glandular tissue, no human milk available,
etc) then the need for lawsuits will also stop.  So for now, it is MHO, that
lawsuits are needed and needed badly to at least make a point and to help the
families with their upcoming medical expenses.

Jay Simpson, CLE
Tired of moms and babies getting screwed by the idiots out there....