Jeanette wrote in reply to my comments about hospital nursing and
breastfeeding.  I really appreciate this bit of reality check.  Although this
hospital is tiny and can have from zero to five [there is room for one or two
more]  moms there at a time I think they're lucky to have a better ratio of
nurses to mother/baby dyads than your hospital,  Jeanette!!

I am used to seeing babies who are three or four days to three weeks old when
their moms call me with TROUBLE.  I usually see them at their homes
[sometimes in other area hospitals] where it is more comfortable, they are
more comfortable and where I can help them find a "nursing station' to get
situated in - a good chair or sofa, whatever.

It was a shock for me to see such a young baby shutting down at the breast -
on strike -  while still in the hospital.  I thought that type of reaction
set in later.  So I have some mental adjustments to make if I see hours-old
babies.  Your post is very helpful.  It will give me a better attitude when I
am working with the nurses, more empathy, etc.

The baby is doing better and has even gained weight so I'm glad I just went
over how to help the baby open wide and how to get a comfortable latch-on and
didn't alarm them in any way.  With preseverence this mom has hung in there
and they are learning how to make it work.

But since my work will still be mostly dealing with moms calling after
discharge to the Outpatient Lactation Clinic and precepting an RN (who has
been designated as a lactation nurse who show interest in expanding her
knowledge and will take the exam next year) I think I'll get exposed to this
slowly and learn how to deal with babies coming off of the effect of
medications.  Thanks.
