Re: Feeding frozen colostrum to NICU babies.
Interestingly, I had a personal experience along these lines. My first child
was in a NICU and allowed nothing by mouth for 5 days. I faithfully expressed
my colostrum and froze it. She was permitted to nurse, and did well, and the
EBM was never used, so I brought it home. I was determined that she would get
that colostrum and I had my husband and mother try to feed it to her. She would
take ordinary, fresh EBM but not that colostrum!! Finally my husband decided
to do an unscientific experiment...he tasted the frozen colostrum and the
frozen mature milk. He said the colostrum had a bitter taste, and he didn't
blame the kid for refusing it!

Re: the hepatitis vaccine -- are you sure that is a live virus? I thought it
was a killed virus. I am heading over to the library tommorow and I will look
it up.

Anne Pfannkoch