RE:;  Lactina PUmp Query:  Joy asked if anyone had had trouble with the
Lactina struggling with a  double kit on maximum.  It is a relief to me that
someone else has seen this.  My Medela rep says she has never seen anyone
have this problem.  I have a large  pump station (for 8 years) and I check
every pump with a vacuum gauge when it is returned to me.  I use the same
piston each time and on occasion, I will install the piston on a pump on max.
and the piston will balk.  If I turn it to medium it works well but go back
to max and it will struggle to complete the stroke.  I have seen this happen
twice at client's homes when I have followed a pump delivery with a home
visit a few days later.  It doesn't seem to matter how old the pump is. So
far I have seen it only with Lactina Plus, not Select.  If it were a problem
with the piston, all my pumps would balk because I test each one with the
same piston.  I have seen a situation where it WAS the  piston and all I did
in that situation was to manually work the new piston 15 or 20 times and then
reinstall it on the motor.  All was well.  But I do think that on occasion, a
Lactina will eventually malfunction.  I have returned these to Medela and
eventually they are supposed to tell me what is causing the problem.

Judy Eastburn, BS, IBCLC
Private  Practice, Dallas, Tx.