When Susan Molinari had her baby, the local TV news showed a picture of Susan
and a graphic of a baby bottle!!! I sent a card to mediawatch, and one to the
TV station. I asked them why they needed to use the bottle graphic. This is
like the Monterey Aquarium stating that they don't tell mothers what to do.
Right. That's why they use a "neutral" symbol....I never heard back from the
And speaking of aquariums (aquaria?), for WBW back in 93 I tried to get our
beautiful NY Aquarium in Coney Island to do an exhibit that would show the
different kinds of milk that mammals produce (as far as fat content, etc.
which is interesting bec. the marine mammals have such high fat...) and of
course include the human animal. They seemed kind of interested, but it was
not high on their agenda and apparently producing an exhibit takes a lot of
time, money and effort. I guess it wasn't worth it to them. It's important, I
think, to find a contact person who is personally involved with this issue
and would do their best to make it fly (or swim, as the case may be!)
Pearl Shifer, IBCLC