As promised, here is the reference for the August "Parenting"

"Safe from SIDS" by Katy Koontz, Parenting, August 1996.
Discusses ways to reduce risk of SIDS (don't expose baby
to cigarette smoke, sleep positioning, safe sleeping surface,
co-sleeping, avoid overheating, breastfeed) and includes
sidebar articles on current avenues of research, as well as an
article by Paula Price DeJoie who tells her story of losing a
baby to SIDS -- and why she believes co-sleeping is
important. (Maybe one/both authors on Lactnet?)

My relationship with this publication is paved with stress
reactions, and I don't read it every month. (I feel like such a
curmudgeon -- finding fault on every other page! And -- it is
crammed with abm advertising.) Still, I was pleasantly
surprised (emphasis on surprised) to see a higher level of
breastfeeding awareness -- and accuracy -- reflected in this
issue. (Due, of course, to the many letters you all have
written over the years!)

I haven't read it cover-to-cover, but in a quick once-over found
a blurb titled "Nursing Benefits Mom, Too!" (info suggesting
bf decreases breast cancer risks)--  contributed by Lactnetter
Dia Michels; an article titled "I Love Labor (Really)" that puts
forth a positive image of approaching childbirth "as a
challenge, not an ordeal" (references to various childbirth
resources), and a Q & A blurb that tells parents that
breastfed infants don't need water supplements.  Although
the title is "When Milk is Enough (water and milk don't mix)"
and the text mentions the potential for water intoxication and
explains why bf babies need no supplementation -- the
accompanying photo is of a bottle of milk with the nipple
exploding off (water and milk flying everywhere). Sigh.
Another editor unclear on the concept...

Courage, troops. Keep up the good fight. Power to your
pens, and all that...

Margery Wilson, IBCLC
Cambridge, Massachusetts