We were just on the radio and were joined by a Cardiologist who gave a benefit I
had not heard related to the maturing of the circulatory system in newborns.  He
relayed a study (but did not have the specifics, so I'm asking my LactNet
Friends if you know) which stated that there is a faster maturation of the
circulatory system in breastfed babies.  Therefore, in children who have patent
Ductus Arteriosus or Foramen Ovalae, it is possible to delay surgery (if they
are normally healthy) and these fetal circulatory system remnants will mature
and resolve on their own.

As this had just been the case with a young cousin of mine (baby had a heart
murmur, but a month later after close watching by the ped. the murmur has
disappeared - baby totally bf), I'm now wondering if you know of this study and
what it implies for other children.

Jeanette Panchula, BSW, LLLL, IBCLC, RN
Puerto Rico
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