In response, my son who is having orthodontics only sucked on me, no
thumb, no pacifiers.  My oldest son used a pacifier for years and has
no orthodontic problems.  My third son has just quit sucking his
thumb at 6 3/4, my fourth son is still nursing at 4 1/2 no thumb or
pacifier.  Somebody sent me a private reply saying that across the
board breastfeeding would greatly reduce the need for orthodontics,
and to look to genetics.
I am happy to look at genetics, I was breastfed for a short while but
did suck my thumb and had many years of orthodontics for the same
kinds of problems (lack of space) that my son is facing.  Maybe my 3
other boys (and the baby in utero) will have inherited their father's
jaw.  However, he is the one who passed on the susceptibility to

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