Hi All,
I have a mom who has been fighting a plugged duct for well into a month now.
 She has been doing standard treatment for this and is having no success.
 She is able to express bits of this plug every time she works on it, but the
duct is painful and bleeds a bit with each expression session.
I remember discussion about lecithin for helping with this.  Am I remembering
correctly?  If so, what are the dosage amounts, and any ideas on how long
before she will see improvement?  Are there any other things she can do to
help herself out?  She was only working with this plug 2-3 times a daay.  I
suggested that she try to work it out after every feed, really get aggressive
with it.  Is this OK info?  I don't have a lot of experience with this type
of thing.  Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!

