I was glad to see that I'm not the only one with a breasfed child undergoing
orthodontics. She nursed until around her 3rd birthday, and baby sister was
on her way.  She used NO sucking devices, no thumbs, fingers, or pacifiers at
all.  She did 100% of sucking at the breast, and LOTS of it..  Her top teeth
are not nearly as bad as her bottom row, which is a mess, (or as Nancy
Sherwood put, "a train wreck" : )    She is 10 now, and started her treatment
about 1 year ago.

I also have a 16 year old nephew that nursed until around his 3rd birthday.
 When he was around 10 or so, his teeth looked HORRIBLE.  I questioned his
frugel (read cheap) parents for not inquiring about the need for
orthodontics.  Well, 6 years later and no treatment, his teeth are really
quite beautiful.  His scenario has made me wonder if nature lets them come in
crooked and then as they continue to grow (the breastfed child), the teeth
move into place in their own good time. Hmmm......Just a thought.....
Dr. Palmer????  Barb Gabbert-Bacon, Wichita, KS