Barbara, as usual you bring up a point worthy of lengthy
discussion!  I, personally, believe licensure is vital to our
survival as credible professionals. I know that there are folks
who know all too well the headaches licensure can bring (and
they should post their concerns here on Lactnet!). On the
other hand, in Massachusetts (where I practice) hairdressers
have to be licensed. The state requires that beauticians show
proof that they have met the standards set for their
profession. While this presents an extra layer of
bureaucracy, it also helps winnow out those who may not
meet locally established standards of practice. (And provides
an avenue to question the practice of individuals who may not
live up to the standard.)

However, those of us who see a potential benefit to licensure
must be careful to shepherd the creation of state standards.
In some areas there is strong support that LC license should
require RN as well.

Did IBLCE do a study or survey about this a few years back?
Seems like it was a lively subject at a past ILCA

Margery Wilson, IBCLC
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA  USA