To add to what Norma Ritter had to say about using La Leche League meetings
as grist for your own meeting planning: La Leche League, International
publishes "The New Leader's Handbook" (it used to be available to the
public, I assume it still is?). Although it has some information that is of
interest only to those managing a LLL group, the book is an excellent
resource for anyone who plans meetings for new parents. There's a wealth of
information on meeting topics, human relations skills (you know, how do you
effectively deal with the person who insists on sharing all her bf horror
stories with the wide-eyed pregnant attendees) and record keeping. I used it
in setting up a non-LLL group in our facility. It saves having to reinvent
the wheel...again. And -- who knows breastfeeding meetings and support
better than LLLI?

Margery Wilson, IBCLC
Cambridge, Massachusetts