>From:    "Christine Dobkins, M.S., I.B.C.L.C." <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Breastfeeding Class Teaching Method (long)

>In keeping with my teaching  that breastfeeding is the norm, the way that
>babies are meant to be fed and that all other foods cannot favorably compare,
>I set out to ask parents to identify what were the things that are wrong with
>the other food (formula) that would make them want to do nothing but
>breastfeed.  To help them identify what  those things are, I give each mom
>and dad a few of Coach Smith's FactPack postcards. I ask each parent to
>choose two facts that are most important to him/her and would truly make it
>important for his/her child to be exclusively breastfed.  I give parents
ample time to
>read and choose.  Then each parent reads the choices aloud and we discuss

This is a great idea. Give them information! Let them choose after all
the information and not just with the myths they have heard. Or even info
from M.D.'s who are not up to speed and feel this is just a life style
choice. (I can say this safely being an M.D.!)

>What's incredible about this process is the look on the parents' faces as
>they read
>the cards.  Parents  have said that they are amazed by the studies that have
>been done, the findings of these studies and, most of all, are surprised by
>the fact that they have never heard or read much about any of this before.

And some people are afraid of making parents feel guilty about not
choosing to breastfeed. I still don't think that is a good reason to keep
people in the dark about the reality of the choices they are making for
their child.

>Thank you Coach Smith for the wonderful teaching materials!

Christine could you email me the address or email contact or info
regarding this source? Please and thank you.

I am collecting a few articles myself for my patients. I have one on
phylates that I now routinely hand out to all pregnant patients from the
latest infact newsletter, and a sheet on some of the benefits of breast
feeding that just lists benefits and the articles the information comes
from. Again to show that "serious" research is going on about this stuff.

Karen Cunningham MD, CCFP London
email at [log in to unmask]
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